drive slowly… angels at play!

His grace is really amazing. i’m seeing that in my life more and more as the days go on. i see how much i need it, i see how much He gives, and i can’t get enough of it. that’s kinda been the thought in my mind this past week or so, i praise the Lord for grace. humility is not self loathing, humility is celebrating the grace you have been given in the midst of your o so broken life. i’m learning that.

it was a great, no really great weekend!! on thursday night i headed down to midtown to meet with this newly established group of guys that now make up the “worship team” (for lack of a better phrase) of midtown community church. i felt so so honored and humbled to be sitting in the midst of these guys i’ve looked up to for so long and be part of this vision for changing the city. i have been praying a lot for guidance for the next step of my life and this has been a huge answer to prayer. i wanted to be plugged into a local church but i also wanted to travel with my band and this way i’m going to be doing both. this church really grabbed my heart the first time i lead there and i can’t believe i’m going to be a part of leading there often. i feel compassion stirring in my heart for the city as i sit in the midst of these guys with a heart to see the kingdom take control of atlanta. i’m really excited, i mean really excited!!

from there i headed to auburn, al to spend the weekend with my lovely girlfriend. we had some much needed time together, it was great. she is the most patient, encouraging, and kind person i know and i’m so grateful to have her in my life. did i mention she is amazing?!?!?!? check out this picture i took outside of a church… i can’t get enough!!

yea, it really says that!

yea, it really says that!

on sunday i led at north point community church’s middle school ministry called xtreme. i had a lot of fun. for the most part, middle school is not my forte, but this sunday i just had a lot of fun. i felt an authority and boldness that made me very comfortable being myself in leading. i think when the leader has joy, it spreads throughout the room so i’ve been working on finding joy in leading and showing it. it had bookoos of fun!! our set was:

alive and running (one of my bro’s new songs)

i am free (newsboys)

all because of Jesus (fee)

it was also fun cause i got to play with my drummer, anders and we got to hang out sunday afternoon. he never ceases to impress me in his drumming abilities, he broke his collar bone 3 weeks ago and he’s playing drums now. haha, it’s amazing, he’s amazing. i’ve seen so much growth and humility in him in the past 6 months, he’s a stud.

welp. big gulps huh?

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